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Celebrating a Decade of Clurgo

4/3/2024 Michał Kalisiński


As we approach a significant milestone in 2024, Clurgo’s 10th anniversary, it’s a moment of reflection and celebration for us. From our humble beginnings as a trio of colleagues, we embarked on a journey to create not just a company, but a culture and an environment that mirrored our values and ethics. In other words – we founded a company where we ourselves would like to work in our 20-ties.

Our backgrounds in programming and project management across various organizations taught us the importance of a workplace that values transparency and agility with the technology at heart.

For the next ten years and beyond, we remain dedicated to being a place where innovation thrives, where ideas can freely flow, and where everyone feels empowered to contribute to our shared success. And to commemorate Clurgo’s 10th birthday, I thought it’s a good idea to share some of the pillars of the organizational culture me and my fellow Board Members created.

1. Flat Structure

The adoption of a flat organizational structure has been a great decision. It has not only affected our operations but also enriched our company culture. This model promotes open communication, encourages innovation, and fosters a collaborative environment over a competitive one. It empowers every team member to contribute and make a difference.

2. Board Accessibility and Informal Discussions

The Board is simply accessible. We make it a point to spend time with the team, creating an environment where sharing ideas over a casual coffee is the norm. This approach has cultivated a sense of community and belonging among our team members.

3. Empowerment Through Delegation

Delegation is a principle I hold dear. It’s about trust and recognizing the capabilities of our team. By entrusting decisions to those best placed to make them, we not only streamline our processes but also instill a sense of ownership and responsibility across the organization.

4. Clarity in Roles and Responsibilities

Understanding one’s role within Clurgo is crucial. We ensure that each team member knows their responsibilities, clearing the path for efficient and effective decision-making. This clarity is a key driver in our agile and responsive operational model.

5. Embracing Agility

Our work is predominantly organized around the Scrum framework, embodying our commitment to agility and continuous improvement. This structure provides opportunities for feedback and iteration, allowing us to adapt and evolve.

As we celebrate a decade of growth, we look forward to continuing on this journey. We are grateful to our team, whose dedication and hard work have been the cornerstone of our success.

At Clurgo, our journey is ongoing, and our doors (and coffee cups) are always open. If you’re inspired by our approach and wish to learn more, join us on this exciting journey as we continue to shape the future of technology and innovation.

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